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The Executive and the entire members of the Anatomical Society of Nigeria received with rude shock, great pain and grieve the sudden passing on to Glory of our dear President (Prof. T. B. Ekanem) but with total submission to the will of God her creator.

Professor Theresa Bassey Ekanem, uptill her death, was the President of our Association, a great anatomist, a passionate scholar, the first female Professor of Anatomy in Nigeria and the first female President of this great Association among others. We can only take solace in the many lives and systems she had positively affected.

Our dear President is transiting to a new life though; we wish her demise were a dream. We cannot question God! We wish to admonish the entire family not to grief like those who have no hope. We believe that those who fall asleep in God will rise again!  

May the family be consoled with the fact that she believed in God and lived a good live. Thus, the light of God’s countenance will shine on her soul. We pray that the family be courageous and accept everything as the will of God.

May God grant her eternal rest and give the family the fortitude to bear the great loss.

May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace! Amen.


Dr. O. A. Ayannuga                                                           Dr. D. S. Amaza

Vice President (ASN)                                                         Secretary General (ASN)

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