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Prevalence of Epilepsy in Port Harcourt, Rivers State

David LK, Oyarkhire MO, Yorkum LK and Iziomo PM

Prevalence of Epilepsy in Port Harcourt, Rivers State

Epilepsy is the most common neurologic diseases in developing countries including Nigeria. It is an important health problem in these countries, where its prevalence can be up to 57 per 1000 population. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of epilepsy in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria from 2010-2015. The study was analytical in design, retrospective in approach. Hospital records were accessed and epilepsy case files were reviewed and recorded. A total of 1179 epilepsy case files were found and reviewed. The prevalence was then calculated and expressed per 1000 of the population. The outcome of the research reported a prevalence rate of 0.8/1000 (at CI=95%, 0.29-1.31). 60.39% of the cases were males and 39.61 % were females. Highest percentage of the cases were within the age group 21-30 (33.08%) and the lowest percentage were within the elderly 61 and above. Almost half of the epileptic cases were students (49.19%), 28.84% of the cases were working and 21.97% of the cases neither work nor school. Psychosis was reported in 7.8% of the cases and 57.61% of the psychosis cases were males while 42.39% were females. The prevalence rate of epilepsy in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria from 2010-2015 is low compared to those of developing countries. The low prevalence might be as a result of the many health Institutions in the city.

Key Words: epilepsy, Seizure, Prevalence and Port Harcourt

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