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Prof. G.S. Oladipo


The current issue of the Journal of Anatomical Sciences contains 17 peer-reviewed research articles that cut across different areas of Anatomical Sciences and 47 conference proceedings (oral presentations) of the 16th Annual Scientific Conference of the Anatomical Society of Nigeria held in Calabar in October, 2019. In spite of the lockdown we are currently witnessing as a nation due to Coronavirus pandemic, my team has been able to publish this volume against all odds. I commend their dedication.

I am glad to inform you that online submission of articles and subscription to our journal can now be done seamlessly through our new website. Thus, I encourage our esteemed subscribers and authors to keep patronizing our journal as they are assured of our quality services. We are currently working on indexing of our journal with more reputable indexing bodies in a bid to increase our visibility.

Lastly, on behalf of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Anatomical Sciences, I say thank you to all the Authors of this issue for your patronage and to our respected Reviewers for their selfless service to our journal. Please stay safe!

Prof. G.S. Oladipo
March, 2020.


President Prof. T.B. Ekanem
Vice President Dr. A. Ayannuga
Secretary General Dr. A. Danladi
Assistance Secretary Dr. A.A. Sadeeq
Treasurer Dr. E.A. Osunwoke
Editor-in-Chief (JAS) Prof. G.S. Oladipo
Editor (JAS) Dr. E.J. Olotu

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